Our contributors do more than make videos or write articles…..

Some of them also make music


The Collection

A collection of 5 mood pieces that visitors can listen to and contributors can use in their videos.

Only requirement is that you credit Nyghtfall’s music channel and link to his bandcamp

My Hotel in the Woods: First Night OST

The release of the full Soundtrack from my horror game "My hotel in the Woods: First Night" Playable here for free:

Released July 15, 2022


We occasionally come across stuff that has expired copyright and we archive it here

Narrative Hide and Seek game where you play as a member of a recon team that goes to check why a research base on Greeland hasn’t been responding to communications.

Shit quickly goes sideways and your team is picked off one by one and you’re knocked out. When you come to, everyone is dead and you begin investigating the cause as to why.

If you’ve played Amnesia: The Dark Descent then the gameplay should be familar to you.

Download the Source 2013 SDK on steam and drop the “blacksnow” folder into the sourcemods folder and reboot steam.


In this game you play as Eric, a mountaineer that goes to look for your missing brother in a very remote part of the Himalayas. He was involved in something shady and something has clearly gone wrong. The town where Eric arrives isn’t just remote, it’s straight up abandoned… except for the angry spirits that roam around.

Eric finds out that his brother desecrated a holy site, and with the aid of some native holy men, he must complete the 12 rituals and climb the titular cursed mountain and lay the spirits to rest.

At release, the game was marred by technical issues due to being on the Wii. It had very muddled visuals, and the controls were never properly play tested. Developer Sproing was in the middle of bankruptcy when the game released, but they somehow managed to squeeze out a PC port which fixes literally every issue with the game, but it became abandonware upon release…. until now!

Just extract it and run the exe.


Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddlers Green was a game that clearly had a lot of love put into it if you bothered to look under the hood, but the execution was totally botched.

Dead Epidemic is a 2nd swing at making the game click and I think it suceeds.

The story is basic. You stopped a terrorist organisation from releasing some kind of virus, but only for a little while. See, one of your people got infected with something and then he died… but he didn’t stay dead for long. Fast forward a little bit and the world has gone to shit, and while it’s been crumbling, you’ve been tracking down the organisation so you can take revenge on them for bringing an end to the world, and you do, and the game is the story of what happened next.

To launch the game, unpack the archive and go into the “DeadEpidemic” folder and then into “System” and launch DeadEpidemic.bat or DeadEpidemic.exe


Point and click horror game whose backstory is more fascinating than the actual narrative. Due to a strange quirk of its original windows 95 installer, it’s been notoriously tough to get running, pretty much only running on original era hardware.

However, due to the archival efforts of a weird French dude, an x64 compatible version of the game exists, and it’s the one available here, as well as on

Have a spooky time!


An RE: Outbreak inspired fan game, made largely by the people that would go on to make the cult classic hits Afraid of Monsters and Cry of Fear. Plays like a mix of Left 4 Dead, Outbreak, and Gmod/HL COOP mods.

Support for the game was ended in 2007, and that build of the game is a little hard to get running since it was originally made for Windows Vista. The build that is hosted here, is a somewhat bare bones port that will work within Sven Coop. Sven Coop is free, and instructions on how to play Cold Blood are included within the file.

The HW Game Night gang found and fixed up a map pack, so this version has an additional 8 maps that aren’t connected to the main story of Cold Blood.